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"Daniel Jones is a PhD Student in Human Geography, whose research explores the embodied experience of public space for those with Tourettes Syndrome..."

In partnership with the Economic & Social Research Council, Newcastle University, and TIC-Hull I am currently conducting research into the tourettic experience of public and urban spaces, and the accessibility of the city more generally speaking.


My research implements creative and collaborative participant-led methods in order to answer questions such as "how is the tourettic experience of public space unique"; "how is TS a barrier to the access of public space"; and "how do the [im]materialities of physical space and social difference influence the tourettic experience". 

More generally speaking, my impulse project focuses on exploring what it means to live as somebody with Tourettes Syndrome. For more information on this, head over to my academic blogsite.

I am available to attend events as a guest speaker and to present my research at conferences. I have presented at multiple international conferences including the American Association of Geographers and the Royal Geographical Society International Conference. For more information, please get in touch!

For more information on my advocacy work, head over to the 'Tourette Syndrome' section of this site.

To view collaborative zine "Tic Tic Boom!", click here!

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